DSC has introduced its' latest product offering, the Iotega panel. It is a complete smart home solution with the ability to add all your z-wave and wi-fi automation devices like thermostats, lighting control, door locks, garage doors, and more. It comes with a built in cellular communicator and even supports IP communication as a backup. It is a completely wireless, table top design with a beautiful aesthetic and is simple to use. You can wave your hand over the top to bring the "keypad" to life but all the main functions are right on your cell phone through the SecureNet platform. Better yet it supports the latest generation PowerG wireless devices which boast remarkable range, up to 8 year battery life, and fully encrypted bi-directional communication which frequency hops over 50 frequencies 64 times per second. Virtually un-hackable and in a communication band that is not polluted with other wireless traffic. This is an economical powerhouse in a small form factor. Give us a call to find out more. (780) 937-3804.
PDF datasheet: IoTega General information