The camera side of things has come a long way since the days of grainy video on the news from an old analog system. Analog cameras provide a video stream which must be converted into digital form in order to store it on a computer hard drive. This requires a lot of horsepower from the computer when doing multiple cameras which is why old analog video is so poor. The tech was not there yet but now it is.
IP cameras are already digital and the processing is done in the camera itself which allows for much higher resolutions and crispness of the images. The down side is these new image qualities require a lot of hard drive space and bandwidth (how much can pass through your internet connection at one time). The industry has achieved a benchmark of 3-5MP (Megapixel) cameras to strike a good balance between performance and quality. MegaPixel refers to how many million pixels make up the image so a 4 MP camera is made up of 4 000 000 pixel elements so a lot of detail.
Image quality requires more than just sheer number of pixels however. You must also consider different lighting conditions, lens choices, and overall quality of the product manufacture if you do not wish to be disappointed. It is also important to choose a video recorder that uses surveillance grade hard drives, quality manufacture, and easy of use when it comes to exporting that important video event.
When you get right down to it there is no substitute for experience when it comes to design, placement, installation, and product choice. If it matters do it right and we are here to help.
Call us at (780) 937-3804 for more information.
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